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Friday, 18 December 2015

Blogmas Day 18: Festive Teacakes...

Christmas Party treats are abundant at this time of year and having had a go at a few myself this year I thought I'd share one of my favourites; Festive Teacakes. You can transform your Teacakes (available in most supermarkets) into a Christmas pudding or Rudolph with these ingredients;

10 Teacakes, icing in Green, Red, White and Black and 2 Curly Wurly's...

Use a Knife to make 2 incisions at the top of the Teacakes. Cut the Curly Wurly into small pieces that look like antlers. Push these into the incisions.
Finally ice on Eyes a nose and a mouth.
Christmas Puddings:
Ice a large circle onto the top of the Teacake. Use the nozzle of the icing tube to tease bits of icing down the sides.
Use the red and green icing to draw on holly.

I hope you enjoy trying out some of these treats and if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments!

Thanks for Reading! :)

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