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Thursday, 24 December 2015

Blogmas Day 23: Christmas Meal and Carol Service...

I always feel very lucky to have such a lovely bunch of Family and Friends but at Christmas time these feelings of gratitude are amplified. I am especially grateful this year as I get to have 2 Christmas dinners! Here's how I spent the first...

It's a school tradition for alumni to gather at school for a special carol service. This year will be our first year as alumni so we decided to make the most of the night and gathered a small group of friends for a Christmas Meal together at a place called the Grange Farm.

Having visited the Grange Farm before, I knew that it was a homely and rustic place to eat with great staff and delicious food and I was not disappointed. The Herb Encrusted Salmon was divine as were the accompanying vegetables, but the stand out was the desert; a Double Chocolate Torte!
The atmosphere were also perfect for a Christmas meal. It was quiet enough to be able to sustain conversations but not too quiet to make any lulls awkward. The service was also great and it was the perfect backdrop to a wonderful catch-up!

After our meal was over, we piled into cars and drove to school where we had a few brief moments of catching up with other school friends before we were ushered into the service. Although I never thought I'd be nostalgic for lengthy school services I certainly was and the carol service was a pleasure to attend. The readings were broken up by traditional hymns (I was disheartened to see no Shine Jesus Shine in the programme!) which made the whole service fly by!

Post-service we filed out into the foyer and were greeted by mince pies and treats as well as mulled wine. We mingled with previous student and teachers whilst nibbling on the snacks.
It was great to see teachers and friends alike and a lovely Christmas treat.

I can honestly say I will be looking forward to these alumni events for years to come!

Thanks for Reading! :)

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