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Thursday, 10 September 2015

Travel Diary: Valencia Biopark

Despite being absolutely shattered from the events of the day before, we somehow managed to get ourselves up and out of our appartment and to one of Valencia's biggest tourist attractions; the Bioparc!

I'm not a fan of Zoos, however the Bioparc has many conservation and educational aims as well as housing (most) animals in habitats that are true to their natural ones and much more spacious than your regular zoo.

There was so many animals to see and so much to do! There's no explanation or commentary needed  for the following pictures, as the beauty of the land and animals speak for themselves! But I've added a few captions from things that were said on the day or sent in snapchats that fill me with nostalgia...

Who doesn't like a "stripey horse"?!
If you squint you might be able to make out the elephants?
Siesta time for this Gorilla!
Sergei was not on the mood to give us a quote on car insurance...

After some unrelenting shouting and rapping on the glass was unsuccessful in waking up the sleeping lion, an un-named friend suggested;

"Somebody cut themselves to wake him up!"

Despite feeling as tired as the lion, our day did not end after visiting the Bioparc...
(More to come soon!)