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Monday, 29 June 2015

My Skincare Routine

I've often heard the phrase 'your skin is your canvas' and I completely agree!
When your skin is clear, hydrated and clean, if you choose to wear make-up you don't need very much make-up and application of make-up is so much easier!
This is why so many people have a tailored skincare regime that focuses on their skin problems and needs, and can help to make their skin as good as it can be.
My old regime was full of items I just picked up as I thought they looked good or had been recommended to me. This was not the best way of picking products though, as they need to suit your skin and help it to be better. 
So last Christmas I visited the Lancome counter in boots and asked them for some guidance in what would be best for my skin.
I told them all about my skin; it's usually quite dry and I don't tend to get massive breakouts but just the occasional spots as well as a few blackheads on my nose and I tend to have dark circles under my eyes.
They took this on board and recommended a few products:

Mousse Éclat (Cleanser):
This is a foamy cleanser that just cleans your face. I like to wash my face with it twice as I feel the first time I'm just taking off any dirt I have from the day and then the second time I'm really cleansing my face. It's quite a gentle cleanser and feels quite nice on the skin.

Tonique Douceur (Toner):
I absolutely love this toner! It smells lovely (like rose water) and its nice and cooling, so soothes the skin.

DreamTone (Dark Spot Corrector):
I have quite heavy dark circles under my eyes, and this is what I was recommended, in medium. The directions are to apply it to the dark areas of your face and the product will target them and try to make the lighter. I was skeptical at first, however after the first few uses I could see a visible effect. Although it may be a placebo, and I may just be getting more sleep which is helping the circles, but either way its working!

This is a moisturiser that works. After one application you can feel your skin becoming more hydrated and although it may make your skin look a bit dewy, it does get rid of dry spots. However I wouldn't (and don't) use this everyday, as it makes my skin too oily if I keep applying it, so I save it for when I have dry areas or if my skin needs a little glow!

After having used them everyday for a few weeks, I noticed a HUGE difference in my skin. It was less dry, the dark circles under my eyes were reduced and it general felt smoother and softer. Make-up also went on nicer, as there were no bumps and I required less of it, if I wanted any at all!
The only thing it unfortunately did not help with was the blackheads, as they still remained, so I use Biore Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips every few months to help with these.

All in all the products are good even if they are a quite pricey but as your skin is irreplaceable, the products are good and they last for a long time, I think they're worth it!

What Skincare products are your favourite? :) xx

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

We Were On A Break!!

As you can see from my archive I haven't posted in quite a while! This is due to a terrible thing most 16-18 year olds do... A Levels! They're a time consuming pain in the ass and in order to pass them I thought it best to take a break from posting on here. However now that  they're over I intend to start posting again more frequently and with some more exciting content as I have a busy and exciting summer planned!

 Watch  this space if you want to see more!

P.S Comment if you got the title reference! ;)