Hi there random citizen! Thanks for stumbling upon this post (even though it
was probably by accident) and choosing to read this!
This is my first ever post, so I thought I'd start off by explaining why I
"The Art Of Winging It" as my blog name. There
are three things that influenced my choice of the name, the first and most
important being that my friend and I thought
"The Art Of
Winging It" would be a great name for a beauty
related YouTube channel! Although we soon realised we were both too
busy with school, volunteering and work to arrange time to meet
up and film as well as edit and maintain a well-run YouTube channel. So when I
decided to create a blog I already had a name and image in mind for it.
However this is not the whole reason as to why I liked the name in
the first place. It is mainly due to the idea that
It, in terms of eyeliner of the liquid variety in particular,
seems to be an artistic skill, so there is literally an Art of Winging it, with
it being eyeliner. This I feel gives the impression that this blog will be
influenced by
All Things Beauty and
Fashion Related.
But that's not all there is to it! As an A Level Philosophy and
Ethics student I'm often asked to think about the
Big Questions
such as; Is There a God? What is the meaning of Life? What happens to us when
we die? and my favourite to ponder over: How do we go about living a
Life? Although as part of my course we look at solutions to the
problem created by dons at Oxford and Ancient Philosophers, I feel that a
lot of the time, most of us do and can even get away with
Winging It (although
I do believe you must Wing It within the confines of the law, else there'd be
total anarchy)! So my philosophy in life is basically to get by with just
Winging It, not taking things too
seriously, having fun and following your own inner convictions!
I feel I should also mention that
Art” part of the name means something to me too! I have always loved to
draw and although my pursue of an art career ended after my GCSE art teacher
almost had a break down as I was so slow at drawing and painting due to being a
perfectionist, that she didn’t think I’d even finish the exam (I did however
get an A*, so there was a silver lining!). I still like to draw in my free
time, and I find it to be quite therapeutic to put my headphones in and the
volume up (did I mention I looove
and draw for hours at a time!
I feel like that kind of vaguely describes what kind of content I’d like to
put on this blog; Beauty, Fashion, Art and a bit of Music! Thank you if you
managed to read this far without falling asleep and I hope you come back soon to
see some more posts!